by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
Let’s set the record straight. I am a fan of strategic business partnerships. However, partnerships often fall apart…majorly. Generally, entrepreneurs fail to address key issues up front to make sure the partnership is an ideal move for all involved. This...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
The Obama administration is continuing to recognize the power and potential influence of young America. It’s latest effort to engage young people is through the marketing and branding of ObamaCare, set to launch in January. The administration wants to put a...
by Creative Genius Law | Legal Planning For Growth, Uncategorized
So, you’ve got your freedom. You are building your dream biz. Money is tight, but who cares? It’s worth the independent lifestyle that you now enjoy. Besides, the financial rut is only temporary… If you build your ship right. Building your ship right...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
After all this chat we’ve had about unpaid interns, I had to address one more thing. What is the difference between unpaid interns and volunteers? The short answer is that, if you run a for-profit business you cannot have volunteers. All of that unpaid intern...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
There really is a method to my madness. I know that as a small biz owner you are probably in need of cheap free labor. Recent cases have changed the intern game, probably forever. Here is the scoop…. Fox Searchlight re: Black Swan June 11- A couple of interns who...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
Hopefully, if you read yesterday’s post you are pretty clear on what an unpaid intern is and is not. Now, I want to give the quick + dirty on additional ways to C.Y.A. and create a great experience for you and the future intern. The golden rules of...