by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
Me and the McDonald’s people, we’ve got this little misunderstanding. See, they’re “McDonald’s”. I’m “McDowell’s”. They’ve got the golden arches. Mine are the golden arcs. They’ve got the Big Mac....
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
The next thing I want to discuss in this series is… Non-Disclosure Agreements = NDAs. Keep in mind that NDAs will need to be tailored for your state’s law, but this post will provide general information on what to include. The greatest tip that I can give...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
If you have been following this series you already know that you’ve got to wise up when it comes to who you share your business ish with and what business ish you share. Now, let’s dig into trade secrets. What the heck are they + why should you...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
One question that I get time and time again is: What happens if I submit a proposal to a potential client. They don’t hire me. But, they jack my ideas and either execute themselves, or they give my idea to someone else who will perform the work cheaply....
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
Congrats. You are a stupidly creative mind (not stupid in the negative sense but stupid in the “wow, I can’t believe you’re that incredible” sense). You came up with a business idea that even your ancestors would be proud of. You dreamt up a...