by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
This weekend, I had a blast presenting to a group of fellow bloggers at the Blogging While Brown conference, one of my signature workshops, “Got a Blog? Protect Your Brand in Cyberspace.” Ironically, blogger @nicolenewblack sent this tweet: ...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
How many times have you shopped with a small biz, only to receive an invoice including a line item for “PayPal,” which actually reflects a transaction fee that the business owner is charged for accepting payments through the PayPal platform? *slowly raises...
by Creative Genius Law | #GeniusLife, Uncategorized
We love our clients and think that you will too. This week, we introduce author Toni L. Coleman Carter… Please tell us about Toni L. Coleman Carter the author. When and how did you decide writing was a career path? Writing isn’t my career path. I’m...
by Creative Genius Law | #GeniusLife, Uncategorized
Please tell us about The MCB Project. What was your inspiration for it? Maya-Camille Broussard hosts The MCB Project , a web series documenting interior design projects inspired by pieces of art. In addition to web episodes, The MCB Project also has a blog that serves...
by Creative Genius Law | Uncategorized
You’ve seen it in your Facebook or Twitter feed – the campaign to raise money for an independent movie project, a product line, or an obscure but seemingly cool new invention. On the outside looking in, crowdfunding seems like a cool way to raise money for your...