Originally sent as a #truthnote to my inner circle. Want in? Sign up here.
Everyone has the perfect prescription to success, right? Do a quick Google search and you’ll find numerous how to’s on any given topic. Too much reading can lead to overwhelm by information overload. This used to happen to me quite frequently (and occasionally, I still have to reel myself in).
Instead of feeling empowered with new knowledge, I would become anxious. I would have a new task list every time I finished a book or article, and it was downright overwhelming. The enjoyment of my work would become background noise to the whirlwind of to-dos. Sound familiar? I would start projects from scratch because it didn’t follow the new methods provided in my latest readings.
At a certain point, the desire to read everything on every topic is no longer a symptom of our curiosity. It’s a manifestation of our lack of confidence in our abilities and instincts. There is a point when we must realize that we’ve learned enough. For the moment.
It’s time to stop over saturating our brains and do more.
This week, I want you to trust yourself more. Give you more credit. Before you pick up a business book, or read the 100th article on that same topic, ask yourself these questions:
What do I already know on this topic?
Have I put to use my previous readings on this topic?
Can I move forward now based on what I already know?
Then, take action knowing that you’ve got this. Moving forward, you can use a similar method to make sure you don’t get paralyzed in information intake mode. As you plan out each quarter, think about what you need to read to support one of your goals. Before you make a decision, ask yourself the same questions listed above.
Now, some of you may be say, “But, Patrice. I truly enjoy reading.” I get it. I still read a book every week or so. The difference? I’m no longer reading to actively discover the secret sauce to something that I know how to handle. I’m not creating a to-do list as I go along, and actively trying to implement. I’m not procrastinating on taking action in my business because I think I need to learn more. I’m reading for enjoyment. I get my joy fix, and file the book away for a rainy day. It took me time to develop this skill.
But, first I had to pull myself away and recalibrate.
Do you struggle with info overload?
I sent this #truthnote to my inner circle before sharing it here. I do that often and when inspiration strikes me. If you want to get #truthnotes in your inbox before they hit the blog… sign up here. I’d love to have you.